The Garbagecast
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
258 episodes of The Garbagecast since the first episode, which aired on January 5th, 2017.
Garbagecast - 180 - Holiday Greetings from Trap Santa
Episode | December 25th, 2018 | 1 min 52 secs
MMD's friend Trap Santa wishes you a happy holidays
Garbagecast - 178- Yo I'm Lit 13 - Chapter 3 of The Art of Thinking Clearly - Clustering Illusion
Episode | December 20th, 2018 | 30 mins 15 secs
Garbagecast - 178- Yo I'm Lit 13 - Chapter 3 of The Art of Thinking Clearly - Clustering Illusion
Garbagecast - 177 - Juice The Musical
Episode | December 19th, 2018 | 6 mins 27 secs
I got the juice. No you got the juice. Alright who the F**** has my Juice! I'm not working like this.
Garbagecast - 176 - Janelle Monae - Dirty Computer
Episode | December 17th, 2018 | 1 hr 6 mins
This episode is dedicated to Janelle Monae's new album - Dirty Computer
Garbagecast - 175 - X-mas Charity Edition
Episode | December 14th, 2018 | 17 mins 50 secs
In this episode MMD is overcome by the spirit of giving and tries to buy pancakes.
Garbagecast - 173 - Garbagecast Conversations - Merry Trapmas
Episode | December 8th, 2018 | 1 hr 9 mins
garbagecast conversations
A special holiday episode of The Garbagecast Conversations. Merry Trapmas Everybody!
Garbagecast - 172 - Terminal Madness
Episode | December 3rd, 2018 | 33 mins 16 secs
It's another music mix.
Garbagecast - 171 - CNDOP18 - On Location Remote... In Guelph
Episode | December 1st, 2018 | 31 mins 41 secs
For CNDOP18 I go on location remote to the University of Guelph to walk around a bit
Garbagecast - 169 - Thanksgiving Crossfire-Blend 2018
Episode | November 24th, 2018 | 28 mins 14 secs
garbagecast conversations
A Garbagecast Conversations in case you thought I forgot about them
Garbagecast - 165 - Oh La La ?
Episode | November 14th, 2018 | 9 mins 6 secs
Let's all be Perfect Gentlemen and listen to this
Garbagecast - 164 - Tastes like Candy
Episode | November 14th, 2018 | 3 mins 35 secs
I said no new episodes on Twitter so i'm eating my words.
Garbagecast - 163 - IDWTP EP 65 V 3.0
Episode | November 9th, 2018 | 56 mins 28 secs
This is old garbage with newer music.
Garbagecast - 162 - Pot Spot 2 Violator and Gummy Bear OG
Episode | November 7th, 2018 | 15 mins 28 secs
In this episode we review Gummy Bear OG and Violator Kush
Garbagecast - 161 - Vince Staples FM!
Episode | November 5th, 2018 | 22 mins 25 secs
This episode is dedicated to Vince Staples newly released EP FM!
Garbagecast - 159 - Georgetown Mysteries
Episode | October 27th, 2018 | 17 mins 55 secs
I solve an age old question and check in with the audience with what's been going on in the world of MMD.